Pedagogical programmes for children and the youth
For additional information contact us: Monday to Friday (10.00AM – 12.00AM)
Phone: +386 2 522 38 34 (Jelka Geder-Kosi)
We request that you reserve the date at least one week in advance.

The activity ˝The first time in the gallery˝ for pre-school children and primary school students (classes 1-3)
The activity starts with the current exhibition, which is followed by a short presentation of the gallery and its activities, the painters, sculptors, painting techniques and tools, art motives etc. The main aim of this activity is to introduce children to art in a relaxed and entertaining manner.
The activity ˝Explore the current exhibition˝ for primary and secondary school students
The goal of the expert guidance is to introduce the exhibiting artists and their work. Moreover, the students get familiar with the artist’s influence on different cultures. We try to encourage the students to connect the gathered information into a meaningful whole through linking and actualization.
The activity ˝Getting familiar with world famous art work˝ for primary (classes 3-9) and secondary school students
During short, 30-45 minutes long classes, we try to introduce children to world famous art work (Leonardo’s Mona Lisa, Bernini’s sculpture of David …) and provide them with information about the artist and the period in which they were active. In order for the classes to be more detailed, we use Powerpoint presentations and suitable learning material (photos, technical literature…).
Art workshops
This activity starts with the current exhibition, which provides the basic concept for the art workshop. The creative part starts after the exhibition. The mentors of the workshop are recognized art teachers.